Audio Files

Audio Files

Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1335

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/25/21 Acts 8:26-40 Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study Audio-_Acts_Study_Ch.8_J.Thomason.mp3
07/25/21 The Bitter Widow (Ruth 1) Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson 2021 Textual Preaching Series: Ruth-Seeing God's Big Story In Ruth's Story Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_Ruth.The_Bitter_Widow_Ch.1.mp3
07/21/21 God's Incredible Book (lesson 1, part 1) Nick Angel Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: The Big Picture Of The Bible Wednesday Auditorium Bible Study Audio-_TBPOTB_Class__1.mp3
07/18/21 3 Most Important Questions Of Life (Acts 17:22-31) Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_3_Most_Important_Questions_Of_Life_2021.mp3
07/18/21 Acts 8:14-25 Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study Audio-_Acts_8.14-25_J.Thomason.mp3
07/11/21 Our Tears In God's Bottle (Psalm 56) Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio--_Our_Tears_In_Gods_Bottle_Psalm_56.mp3
07/11/21 Acts 8:1-13 Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study Audio-_Acts_8.1-13_J.Thomason.mp3
07/04/21 Freed To Be Enslaved Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_Freed_To_Be_Enslaved_2021.MP3
07/04/21 Acts Recap Concluded & Ch. 8 Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study
06/27/21 Being Fishers Of Me Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_Fishers_of_Men_2021.MP3
06/27/21 Acts Recap (cont.) Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study
06/20/21 Acts Recap Jim Thomason Auditorium Bible Study 2021-22 Auditorium Adult Class: A Study of Acts Sunday Auditorium Bible Study Audio-_Acts_Recap.J.Thomason_6-20-2021.mp3
06/20/21 Trust In The Lord (Isaiah 1 & 40) Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_Trust_In_The_Lord.mp3
06/13/21 Our Good Father Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Audio-_Our_Good_Father_6-13-2021.mp3
06/06/21 The Church's Blueprint (Acts 2:42-47) Nick Angel Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Slides-_The_Churchs_Blueprint.pdf Audio-_The_Churchs_Blueprint_6-6-2021.mp3
05/26/19 Misconceptions About The Church Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM MisconceptionsAboutTheChurch05-26-19PM.mp3
05/12/19 A Final Encounter At Calvary Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM AFinalEncounterAtCalvary05-12-19AM.mp3
05/12/19 Different Kinds Of Believers Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM DifferentKindsOfBelievers05-12-19PM.mp3
04/28/19 Jesus' Promise To The Apostles Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM JesusPromiseToTheApostles04-28-19AM.mp3
04/28/19 Lessons On Baptism From Acts Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM LessonsOnBaptismFromActs1904-28-19PM.mp3
04/21/19 Confrontation At Antioch Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM ConfrontationAtAntioch04-21-19PM.mp3
04/07/19 Dealing With The Thorns Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM DealingWithTheThorns04-07-19AM.mp3
03/31/19 Its Reasonable Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM ItsReasonable03-31-19AM.mp3
03/24/19 Conversion At Samaria Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM ConversionAtSamaria03-24-19AM.mp3
03/24/19 Corroborating Testimony Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM CorroboratingTestimony03-24-19PM.mp3

Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1335

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