Audio Files

Audio Files

Displaying 1451 - 1466 of 1466

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/28/19 Lessons On Baptism From Acts Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM LessonsOnBaptismFromActs1904-28-19PM.mp3
04/21/19 Confrontation At Antioch Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM ConfrontationAtAntioch04-21-19PM.mp3
04/07/19 Dealing With The Thorns Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM DealingWithTheThorns04-07-19AM.mp3
03/31/19 Its Reasonable Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM ItsReasonable03-31-19AM.mp3
03/24/19 Conversion At Samaria Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM ConversionAtSamaria03-24-19AM.mp3
03/24/19 Corroborating Testimony Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM CorroboratingTestimony03-24-19PM.mp3
03/17/19 Faith As Taught To Timothy Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM FaithAsTaughtToTimothy03-17-19_PM.mp3
03/03/19 Bread From Heaven Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM BreadFromHeaven03-03-19AM.mp3
02/24/19 Believing A Lie Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM BelievingALie02-24-19AM.mp3
02/24/19 Do You Not Have Houses Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM DoYouNotHaveHouses02-24-19PM.mp3
02/17/19 Education, Benevolence, & The Church Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM EducationBenevolenceAndTheChurch02-17-19PM.mp3
02/10/19 Evangelism According To The Pattern Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM EvangelismAccordingToThePattern02-10-19PM.mp3
02/03/19 Always Wrong Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM AlwaysWrong02-03-19AM.mp3
01/27/19 Division Among The Churches Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly PM DivisionAmongTheChurches01-27-19PM.mp3
01/27/19 Mark 16:16 - How do you read it? Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM Mark16_16HowDoYouReadIt01-27-19AM.mp3
01/13/19 Converted & Committed Jeff Harwell Worship Assembly Lesson N/A Sunday Worship Assembly AM ConvertedAndCommitted01-13-19AM.mp3

Displaying 1451 - 1466 of 1466

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