Special Series

Special Series

Displaying 26 - 34 of 34

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/17/22 Disciples Must Have The Proper Hope (I Peter 3:9) Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship-_VIII.pdf 6-17_Disciples_Must_Have_the_Proper_Hope_--_I_Peter_1.3-9_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/16/22 Disciples Must Properly Navigate Life's Struggles Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_VII.pdf 6-16_Disciples_Must_Properly_Navigate_Lifes_Struggles_--_Philippians_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/15/22 Disciples Must Be Doers of the Word Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_VI.pdf 6-15_Disciples_Must_Be_Doers_of_the_Word_--_James_1.19-27_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/14/22 Disciples Must Be Sincere In Their Service To God Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_V.pdf 6-14_Disciples_Must_Be_Sincere_in_their_Service_to_God_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/13/22 Disciples Must Be Narrow-Minded Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship-_IV.pdf 6-13_Disciples_Must_Be_Narrow-Minded_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/12/22 Disciples Must Heed Timely Exhortations Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_III.pdf 6-12PM_Disciples_Must_Heed_Timely_Exhortations_--_I_Thessalonians_5.12-22_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/12/22 Disciples Must Have The Proper Outlook Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_II.pdf 6-12WORSHIP_Disciples_Must_Have_The_Proper_Outlook_--_II_Peter_1.10-11_J.Shackleford.mp3
06/12/22 Disciples Must Have The Proper Attitude Jason Shackleford 2022 Special Studies on Diligent Discipleship with Jason Shackleford Special Study/Gospel Meeting Slides-_Diligent_Discipleship_-_I.pdf 6-12CLASS_Disciples_Must_Have_The_Proper_Attitude_--_Romans_12_J.Shackleford.mp3
10/31/21 Columbian Gospel Ministry Report Jorge & Camilo Gaitan N/A Special Study/Gospel Meeting Audio-_Jorge__Camilo_Gaitan_Ministry_Report_10-31-2021.mp3 Slides_-_Columbian_Work_-_Gaitans.pdf

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